Kat's Korner Bookstore is the place where you can come to primarily read reviews of high quality children's books. Invite your friends and family, this is also a good place to purchase any gifts you might need to get. Enjoy!
This is just a short foreword to explain some features of the following bibliography. It is important to note that the general grade level listed for each book is the level of book that a child can read alone. Any adult or older sibling can always read books that are at a higher grade level than listed for their age to children, because children can understand more that they hear than that they can read on their own. Also, it is important to sometimes read a little above a child's comprehension level, in order to expand his comprehension level. You do not do this by simply reading to the child, though. You expand the child's level of comprehension by explaining and expounding upon the concepts and vocabulary.
It is also important to note that while there are many books in the Joy and Stimulation category (in fact, it is the largest category), that all of the books in this bibliography could fit under this heading. All books can and should be read for joy. But they also have other purposes. Some people might argue that expository-type books that introduce new concepts and real-life information are not read for joy. But I believe that even these kinds of books can be read for the joy of reading. There is joy to be gained from reading books that inform and satisfy one's curiosity.